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HomeCompetition Guidelines

Branch and Zone Competition Guidelines

ORMTA showcases some of the most talented advanced music students in five Competitions: the Provincial Instrumental Competitions - Levels 8 and/or 9 and 10 and/or Associate (held yearly), the Provincial Vocal Competitions - Levels 8 and/or 9 and 10 and/or Associate (held yearly) and the Provincial Young Artist (held every 2 years in even years). Students of ORMTA members first compete locally at the Branch level. Branch winners then qualify to compete at their Provincial Zone Level Competitions in the category that they have won at the Branch Level. Winners of each Zone Competition across Ontario earn the right to advance to a Provincial Competition. 

The guidelines and documents below are meant as a sort of checklist to help you organize your ORMTA Provincial Branch and Zone Level Competitions.  

Branch Level
Zone Level

Guidelines for Planning an Provincial Branch Level Competition

 Before the competitions:.

  • Create a budget for your competitions, taking into account application fees, venue rental, adjudicator fee, travel, accommodation and incidentals for the adjudicator (if they are from out-of-town), printing/copying costs, scholarships and prizes that your Branch gives, and incidentals. 

  • Set a date and time for the competitions and find a venue.

  • Arrange for a contract with the venue – our ORMTA insurance certificate should be presented to the venue.

  • Arrange for payment.  

  • If possible, find a venue that offers warm-up spaces.

  • Engage a qualified adjudicator. (These guidelines will refer to the adjudicator in the singular for simplicity, recognizing that there may be more than one in your competitions.)

  • Seek out the best. 

  • Before you engage an adjudicator, please check with your Zone Competitions Convenor and with the Provincial Competitions Convenor to ensure that your choice of adjudicator has not already been engaged for a higher level (Zone or Provincial) of the 2025 Provincial Competitions.

  • Once engaged, ask the adjudicator for a short bio and a picture suitable for use in your programme and in other media. 

  • Make sure you have detailed contact information for your adjudicator. Have their phone number on your cell. 

  • Recruit volunteers to help with the tasks involved in preparing your competitions. 

  • Recruit volunteers to help with the tasks on the day(s) of your competitions. This includes:
    •  Explaining their duties (e.g. checking competitors in; issuing keys to warm-up rooms; etc.) in advance.
    •  Making up a schedule so that they know when they are needed. 
    •  Making sure they receive this schedule well in advance and confirm with you that it still works for them.
    •  Making sure you have contact information for your volunteers (preferably on your cell). 

  • Create application forms for your competitions. This includes:
    •  Having your Zone deadline for application and participation fee(s) clearly marked on the application form. 
    •  Including an ORMTA release form for media recording with your application, so that all photos or video taken at your competitions can be used for publicity. A sample is available here.
    •  Making sure that your application forms adhere to the rules laid out for the Provincial Instrumental and Vocal Competitions posted online. An application form template is available here.

  • Publicize your application deadlines.

  • Seek local media coverage for the competitions, and take advantage of any free advertising.

 After the entry deadline:.

  • Process the applications promptly. Check that all the repertoire for each competitor respects all the rules (e.g. appropriate level; correct language requirements for singers; etc.). A list of Provincial Branch Level Convenor responsibilities is available here

  • Create a schedule according to the number of competitors and the length of their programmes. 

 Closer to the time:.

  • Create a programme for your competitions. 

  • Check that the printed programme includes the date and location of the competition, the name of the competition (e.g. Branch Level Instrumental Competition – Level 8 and/or 9), the students’ names and repertoire, the names of any collaborative pianists, Branches represented if more than one Branch has joined for the competition, and the adjudicator’s name, picture and biography. Your programme may contain other information as well.  

  • Be sure to use the  'Branch of' ORMTA logo or icon.

  • Double-check for spelling errors and other typos. A fresh set of eyes is always handy. 

  • Also be sure to acknowledge any scholarships, bursaries, prizes, and/or other sponsorship. 

  • Create an adjudication sheet for each competitor with the competitors’ name and chosen repertoire. A template for instrumental adjudications is available here and a template for vocal adjudications is available here.

  • Have copies of the 2025 Provincial Competitions - Adjudicators' Signature Form for each competition (and a spare or two just in case). 

  • Ensure that the students, parents or guardians, teachers, Branch President(s), and adjudicator receive the programme for each competition, along with any other reminders, including directions and/or links to the venue. Refer them all to the rules once again. This can be done by email or posted on your Branch website. 

  • Print certificates, if your Branch uses them.

  • Prepare envelopes for prizes.

  • Prepare an information package for the adjudicator that includes all the material they will require, including a copy of the rules for the competition(s) they will be judging.

  • Prepare name tags for the adjudicator and all volunteers.  

 The week before the competitions:.

  • Confirm with the venue and ensure that the piano is tuned before the competitions take place. Ensure that warm-up rooms will be available for singers and instrumentalists (if part of the contract). If warm-up spaces are available, allow competitors to pre-book warm-up time well before they compete.

 The day before the competitions:.

  • Check through all of your material to be sure that nothing is missing. This is easier to do if you have an actual checklist; items will vary a bit from Branch to Branch but always include adjudication sheets for each competitor, printed or online programmes, certificates, refreshments, pens, pencils, stop-watch, Media Release Forms for each participant, and a donation basket for the door. A template is available here.

 At the competitions:.

  • On the day, be at the venue well ahead of time to welcome the adjudicator and the competitors. Ask your volunteers to arrive a bit early too so that they can familiarize themselves with the venue and you can confirm their duties to them. 

  • Check that the room is prepared, and that the adjudicator’s table has everything it needs.

  • If a warm-up room is available, ensure that students follow the pre-booked warm-up times.

  • Confirm the rules with the adjudicator.  

  • If you use cheques, have them ready and signed, and in envelopes (e.g., for venue rental, scholarships, adjudicator) for a smooth disbursement of funds. 

  • Complete the information portion and the Branch Level portion of the 2025 Provincial Competitions - Adjudicators' Signature Form for each of the winners. Be sure it is signed by both the competitor (or their parent or legal guardian) and the adjudicator. Make a copy of the completed form for your records, before sending it to your Zone Competitions Convener. Give or email copies of the completed form to the winners.

 Following the competitions:.

  • Complete any necessary paperwork for winners to proceed to Zone Level Competition.

  • Send the winners’ names to your Branch President. 

  • Update your Branch’s website with results and pictures from the event.

Good luck with your competitions!

For more information or help with planning, please feel free to contact me at

Susan Blyth-Schofield, ORMTA Provincial Performance Competitions Convener

Guidelines for Planning an Provincial Zone Level Competition

The Zone chosen to host the competitions should consult with all Branches in the Zone about the application fee, the dates of the competition, and all other relevant items that affect the Branches.

 Before the competitions:.

  • Create a budget for your competitions, taking into account application fees, venue rental, adjudicator fee, travel, accommodation and incidentals for the adjudicator (if they are from out-of-town), printing/copying costs, scholarships and prizes that your Branch gives, and incidentals. 

  • Set a date and time for the competitions and find a venue.

  • Arrange for a contract with the venue – our ORMTA insurance certificate should be presented to the venue.

  • Arrange for payment.  

  • If possible, find a venue that offers warm-up spaces.

  • Engage a qualified adjudicator. (These guidelines will refer to the adjudicator in the singular for simplicity, recognizing that there may be more than one in your competitions)

  • Seek out the best. 

  • Before you engage an adjudicator, please check with your Branch Competitions Convenors and with the Provincial Competitions Convenor to ensure that your choice of adjudicator has not already been engaged for another level (Branch or Provincial) of the 2025 Provincial Competitions.

  • Once engaged, ask the adjudicator for a short bio and a picture suitable for use in your programme and in other media. 

  • Make sure you have detailed contact information for your adjudicator. Have their phone number on your cell. 

  • Recruit volunteers to help with the tasks involved in preparing your competitions. 

  • Recruit volunteers to help with the tasks on the day(s) of your competitions. This includes:
    •  Explaining their duties (e.g. checking competitors in; issuing keys to warm-up rooms; etc.) in advance.
    •  Making up a schedule so that they know when they are needed. 
    •  Making sure they receive this schedule well in advance and confirm with you that it still works for them.
    •  Making sure you have contact information for your volunteers (preferably on your cell).    

  • Create application forms for your competitions. This includes:
    •  Having your Zone deadline for application and participation fee(s) clearly marked on the application form. 
    •  Including an ORMTA release form for media recording with your application, so that all photos or video taken at your competitions can be used for publicity. A sample is available here.
    •  Making sure that your application forms adhere to the rules laid out for the Provincial Instrumental and Vocal Competitions posted online. An application form template is available here.

  • Publicize your application deadlines. 

  • Email Branches within your Zone promoting all the particulars of the 2025 Competitions. Ask for funds to cover the cost of the competitions and provide them with links to the rules and instructions for the application process.

  • Seek local media coverage for the competitions, and take advantage of any free advertising.

 After the entry deadline:.

  • Process the applications promptly. Check that all the repertoire for each competitor respects all the rules (e.g. appropriate level; correct language requirements for singers; etc.). A list of Provincial Zone Level Convenor responsibilities is available here

  • Be sure that the application(s) you receive from each Branch has/have a signed and completed (to Branch level) 2025 Provincial Competitions - Adjudicators' Signature Form.  

  • Create a schedule according to the number of competitors and the length of their programmes. 

 Closer to the time:.

  • Create a programme for your competitions (both levels of Provincial Instrumental and Vocal). 

  • Check that the printed programme includes the date and location of the competition, the name of the competition (e.g. Zone Instrumental Competition – Level 8 and/or 9), the students’ names and repertoire, the names of any collaborative pianists, Branches represented if more than one Branch has joined for the competition, and the adjudicator’s name, picture and biography. Your programme may contain other information as well.  

  • Be sure to use the 'Zone of' ORMTA logo or icon

  • Double-check for spelling errors and other typos. 

  • Also be sure to acknowledge any scholarships, bursaries, prizes, and other sponsorship. 

  • Create an adjudication sheet for each competitor with the competitors’ name and chosen repertoire. A template for instrumental adjudications is available here and a template for vocal adjudications is available here.

  • Ensure that the students, parents or guardians, teachers, Branch Presidents, and adjudicator receive the programme for each competition, along with any other reminders, including directions and/or links to the venue. Refer them to the rules once again. This can be done by email or posted on your Zone website. 

  • Print certificates, if your Zone uses them.

  • Prepare envelopes for prizes. 

  • Prepare an information package for the adjudicator that includes all the material they will require, including a copy of the rules for the competition(s) they will be judging.

  • Prepare name tags for the adjudicator and all volunteers.  

 The week before the competitions:.

  • Confirm with the venue and ensure that the piano is tuned before the competitions take place. Ensure that a warm-up room will be available for singers and instrumentalists. Allow competitors to pre-book warm-up time well before they compete.

 The day before the competitions:.

  • Check through all your material to be sure that nothing is missing. Items will vary a bit from Zone to Zone but always include adjudication sheets for each competitor, printed or online programmes, printed certificates, refreshments, pens, pencils, stop-watch, Media Release Forms for each participant, and a donation basket for the door. A checklist template is available here.

 At the competitions:.

  • On the day, be at the venue well ahead of time to welcome the adjudicator and the competitors. Ask your volunteers to arrive a bit early so that they can familiarize themselves with the venue and you can confirm their duties to them. 

  • Check that the room is prepared and that the adjudicator’s table has everything it needs.

  • If a warm-up room is available, ensure that students follow the pre-booked warm-up times.

  • Confirm the rules with the adjudicator.  

  • If you use cheques, have them ready and signed, and in envelopes (e.g., for venue rental, scholarships, adjudicator) for a smooth disbursement of funds. 

  • Complete the Zone Level portion of the 2025 Provincial Competitions - Adjudicators' Signature Form for each of the winners. Be sure it is signed by both the competitor (or their parent or legal guardian) and the adjudicator. Make a copy of the completed form for your records. Give or email copies of the completed form to the winners. 

 Following the competitions:.

  • Ensure that the online application and payment for the Provincial Competitions is completed online by May 31, 2025.

  • Send the winners’ names to the Provincial Competitions Convener as well as to all Branch Presidents in your Zone.

  • Update your Zone web page with results and pictures from the event. 

Good luck with your competitions!

For more information or help with planning, please feel free to contact me at

Susan Blyth-Schofield, ORMTA Provincial Performance Competitions Convener

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