The ORMTA Provincial Young Artist Competition is a three-tiered competition that begins at the Branch Level, progresses to the Zone Level and culminates in the Provincial Level. It is held at the Provincial Level in even-numbered years. The next Provincial Young Artist Competition will be held in July 2024. Competitors must abide by the Provincial rules detailed below at all levels (Branch, Zone, and Provincial) of the Competitions. Winners at the Provincial Level may be advanced to the CFMTA National Competitions planned for 2025 (piano only). Please note that Montreal 2025 will only hold a National Piano Competition and will not hold a Second National Competition.
The Adjudicator’s Signature Form, which must be filled out at both the Branch, and Zone Level Competitions can be found here or in the "Application Forms" tab.
The following rules govern the ORMTA 2024 Provincial Young Artist Competitions and must be followed at all levels (Branch, Zone and Provincial) in order for competitors to move to the next level of competition. Failure to comply with these rules will result in disqualification at the Provincial Level Competitions. Competitors, teachers and guardians are therefore advised to read all information carefully.
Please note that the winner of the Provincial Level Young Artist Competition must be prepared to accept the Provincial Recital Tour.
Competitors must be Canadian citizens or permanent residents (landed immigrants).
The competitors must be studying with an Active or Affiliate ORMTA teacher as of January 1, 2024. This teacher must be the competitor’s principal teacher for the performance discipline and must be a member in good standing at the time of application and competition.
In Branch Level Competitions (#1 in this graphic), competitors must compete in their teacher’s primary Branch. If a member's primary Branch is not hosting a Branch Competition, a member's student can enter in ONE other Associate Branch Competition. (Member must be an Associate Member as of January 1, 2024.)
In Zone Level Competitions (#2 in this graphic), competitors must compete in their teacher’s primary Zone.
Before being eligible to proceed to the Provincial Young Artist Competition, competitors must have participated in both Branch and Zone Level Competitions and obtained a First Class Honours standing (80% or above) at both levels.
Each Zone may send ONE competitor to the Provincial Young Artist Competition (#3 in this graphic).
Competitors cannot enter both the Provincial Instrumental Competition and the Provincial Young Artist Competition in the same discipline in the same year. With a new program, previous winners may re-enter the Provincial Young Artist Competition one additional time, not necessarily in consecutive years.
The maximum age for INSTRUMENTAL competitors is 23 years of age by January 1, 2023. Note: The CFMTA National Piano Competition is open to competitors who have not reached their 25th birthday by January 1, 2025.
The age for VOCAL competitors is 20-30 years old as of December 31, 2023.
Competitors are responsible for their own expenses (travel, accommodation, collaborative pianist, etc.).
Branch Competition Convenors must provide the Zone Competitions Convener with information about the winners from their Branch. The Adjudicator's Signature Form is required to go to the Zone Competition and must be filled out entirely and submitted to the Zone Convenor.
Zone Competitions Convenors must provide the Provincial Performance Competitions Convenor with information about the winners from their Zone. The Adjudicator's Signature Form from the Zone Competition must be filled out entirely and uploaded to the online Provincial Competition entry form.
The stylistic balance of the program will be considered in the adjudication. Repertoire should be chosen carefully to reflect the experience and maturity of the student. When choosing repertoire, please see awards opportunities in the Prizes tab on this page.
- Instrumentalists: The programme must be at the Associate level or above and must include a Canadian work. The overall programme must contain a minimum of 30 minutes of repertoire with a maximum of 45 minutes of stage time, including accompaniment, if applicable. Stage time is defined as the time between the first note of the performance and when the final selection concludes, including accompaniment. Competitors can select movements from a sonata. They do not necessarily need to perform the entire work. No background tracks are permitted.
- Vocalists: The programme must be at the Associate level or above. The overall programme must contain a minimum of 30 minutes of repertoire with a maximum of 45 minutes of stage time, including accompaniment. Stage time is defined as the time between the first note of the performance and when the final selection concludes, including accompaniment. The programme must include an art song, an aria (opera/oratorio), a contemporary work, and a Canadian composition. One selection must be sung in English. Singers must also perform in two or more languages other than English. No background tracks are permitted.
An official timekeeper is required and must sit near the adjudicator(s) during the competition. If the time limit is reached, the timekeeper will show the adjudicator(s) their timing device, continue timing and the competitor will be allowed to finish their entire program. The official timing of the competitor’s program will be recorded on the adjudication sheet. Any competitor who goes over the time limit will receive an adjudication only and will be disqualified from the Provincial Competition. Disqualified competitors will not be eligible for the prizes.
Competitors must perform their program in entirety.
Repertoire selections must be listed on the Adjudicator's Signature Form, and must be performed at Branch, Zone and Provincial Levels. If the competitor wishes to change the order of performance, they will not be disqualified. The MC should be notified and will announce the program change prior to the competitor's performance.
Competitors must perform all repertoire selections from memory. Competitors must provide legal music for the adjudicator. Tablets are permitted with a proof of purchase of music or IMSLP, etc. Collaborative pianists must use legal music. The use of photocopied or scanned material is illegal and prohibited, and will result in immediate disqualification from the competition. Music scores will be checked prior to the start of the Provincial Competition.
Competitors are not required or expected to introduce themselves or their pieces prior to performing.
Teachers and parents are permitted to be in their own student’s room during the warm-up, should the venue and schedule allow for warm-up time.
Branch Level Competitions
Competitors must use the Application Form for the Branch where they will be competing. They must also abide by the Branch’s rules and deadlines and pay its application fee.
Branch Level Competition Convenors must ensure that the adjudicator(s) sign the Adjudicator's Signature Form where indicated.
A signed Adjudicator's Signature Form is required for the Zone and Provincial Level Competition. It is the responsibility of the Branch Level Competition Convenor to ensure the form is completed and given to the Zone Competition Convenor. For further information regarding the branch competition, contact your Branch Competition Convenor.
Zone Level Competitions
Along with the required form filled out from Branch Level Competitions, Competitors must use the Application Form for the Zone where they will be competing. They must also abide by the Zone’s rules and deadlines and pay its application fee.
Zone Level Competition Convenors must ensure that the adjudicator(s) sign the Adjudicator's Signature Form where indicated.
A signed Adjudicator's Signature Form is required for the Provincial Level Competition. It is the responsibility of the Zone Level Competition Convenor to ensure the form is completed and uploaded along with the online Provincial Competition application form. For further information regarding the zone competition, contact your Zone Competition Convenor.
Provincial Level Competitions
The Provincial Level Application Form (for winners of their respective Zone Competitions) will be posted on this page in the "Application Forms" tab on April 1, 2024 and closes May 31, 2024, at 11:59 PM Eastern Time.
The Application Form must be filled in online on or before the deadline May 31, 2024 at 11:59 PM Eastern Time, as specified on the application form. Please note all applications are time- stamped. Late applications are not accepted.
The Provincial Level Application Fee is $200. Online payment is required at the time of completing the online application.
The Provincial Competitions will take place at The University of Ottawa.
For more information regarding the Provincial Level Competitions, please contact the ORMTA Provincial Competitions Convenor.
1st Place - $1,500
2nd Place - $800
Ontario Chapter of Leschetizky Association (OCLA) Scholarship - $500 and a Soirée Performance
The Ontario Chapter of the Leschetizky Association (OCLA) will offer a prize to a contestant presenting the best interpretation of a piano work by Leschetizky in the 2024 ORMTA Provincial Competition. The winner will receive a cash prize of $500, a membership in the Association and an invitation to perform at an OCLA Soirée.
Scores of works by Leschetizky are available on the internet including IMSLP and in an “Album of Selected Piano Pieces” from The Leschetizky Association. Albums are available at The Ontario Chapter of the Leschetizky Association at 623 Bluenose Crescent, Waterloo, Ontario N2K 4H4. For information contact 519-744 9396 or Marc Paré