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Home2020 Pedagogy Award

2020 Pedagogy Award Winner

Marilyn Shantz

(Teacher: Joanne Bender)


Marilyn is passionate about instilling a love of music in her students. Her love for music was initially nurtured by exceptional music teachers in school, with her first instrument being the violin. She began piano lessons at a later age, when it became a possibility, and started teaching soon after. For Marilyn, the joy and fulfillment in reaching students’ hearts, watching them achieve their goals, win scholarships, receive their high school credits and create meaning and purpose in their life, makes teaching an honour and a privilege. One of her greatest accomplishments has been caring for developmentally disabled and autistic adults through music. Ever since the door opened for Marilyn, it has been a challenging and rewarding experience. The language of music has the ability to reach everyone and the impact it has is unspeakable! Marilyn thanks her teachers, Carolyn Bearinger, Joanne Bender (pedagogy) and Erin Coffey (theory) for their inspiration, insight and expertise through the years. The quote by Bach is hung in her studio, “The aim and final end of all music should be none other than the glory of God and the refreshment of the soul.”

Marilyn's teacher, Joanne Bender


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